Blog • Resources

10 Freelance Blogs You Should Bookmark

If you’re ready to level up your business, learn more about your finances, or just be reminded that you’re not alone on this journey, freelance blogs are a valuable resource. The question is, which blogs are actually worth reading? You only have so much extra time in the day.

I decided to do the research for you and, in doing so, found ten blogs that are written by freelancers or freelance-specific companies. They talk your talk and walk your walk! I also made sure that their content was legit because, let’s be honest, anyone can start a blog these days, but we want the good stuff.

Bookmark these freelance blogs for future reading. Or, if you’re more into listening, check out our favorite podcasts for freelancers.


Double Your Freelancing

From escaping Upwork to niching down, Double Your Freelancing covers a little bit of everything — and does it well. No watered-down content or half-baked thoughts here. All of their content is in-depth, well-written, and thorough, ensuring you get all the information you need on that particular topic.


Millo lives and breathes freelancing with a blog, podcast, and courses created for freelancers of all kinds. Check out their blog for tips and advice on topics like managing multiple clients and improving your communication skills. Don’t miss their real-world blog posts (like I’m a Logo Designer—Here’s What to Charge for Logo Design) all of which provide an interesting and relatable perspective.


Get all your freelance finance questions answered here. Whether you want to learn about how to get more money back during tax time or choose a payroll provider, Collective has a blog post for you. I also love that all their writers are finance experts — when it comes to these topics, you want to make sure you’re getting content from people you can trust.

Make a Living Writing

Bookmark Make a Living Writing if you want to learn about being a better writer and even non-writers will get valuable tips on copywriting, content creation, and marketing. I recommend checking out this blog post on how to become a better editor — from emails to proposals, being a great editor is a skill all of us freelancers need!

Flux Academy

If you’re looking for branding ideas, tips, and strategies, add Flux Academy to your list of freelance blogs to frequent. I appreciate how they cover so many unique branding topics and do it thoroughly. They also include lots of examples and graphics so the content is easier to understand, like in this blog post, What Is Brand Identity Prism And How Does It Work?


This is our shameless plug for the Harlow Blog. We love creating this content for our freelance community! We talk about all things freelance life and business, from work-life balance to charging what you’re worth. We especially enjoy featuring other freelancers we admire with guest posts and interviews. Check out our recent talk with Momina Asif.


This is another one of our top freelance blogs for creatives, and their focus is on business and money. They publish on a wide range of topics like creating financial stability. They also do interviews with other freelancers and freelance experts. Creatorbread also sends a newsletter called The Loaf on Saturdays, so if you like what they’re doing, you can get the best of their content delivered right to your inbox weekly.

Fiverr Workspace

Fiverr has built an extensive blog filled with tons of amazing content for every freelance need you have. I mean, seriously, when you dig into their extensive content, you’ll find that you can learn about everything from which software you should use to how to leverage SEO for your freelance website. Most of the content is written by their team and well-sourced, which is a must.


While Contently’s platform is for freelance writers, their blog covers topics that all freelancers will find valuable. Definitely check out their Voices content, which features real stories from real freelancers out there trying to grow a business doing what they love. That’s the dream, right?!


Most of us freelancers wear multiple hats and Creative Director and Designer are usually two of them. 99designs offers a wide range of content for both creative professionals and also those of us seeking a little extra shot of creativity for our freelance business. Check out their Get Inspired section for design ideas for every area of your business!

About the AuthorSamantha is co-founder of Harlow. Previously she was a marketing and demand gen freelancer. She enjoys traveling, connecting with new people, spending time with her dog Karl, and throwing back an extra dirty martini every now and then.

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